Creating public art often involves lengthy project timelines, from pitch to concept development, proposal, engineering, fabrication and install.

Take a peek at some projects MGA has in the works.

The Gallery at North Port

MGA was specifically sought out by the Nexcore Group to enliven the campus of The Gallery Senior Living facility in North Port, Florida with a series of sculptures. Five sculptures featuring Florida botanicals and coastal landscape inspired motifs will interspersed throughout the property will delight residents and visitors alike.

The 5-piece project will be installed 2021.


Source is dynamic public art piece for the Charlotte Water Zone Four Field Operations Facility that reflects the purpose of the facility and spirit of the Greater Charlotte community.

This 30’ tall sculpture depicts a drop of water and is so named for the vital role that it plays in our lives. Water is the source of life.

The completed piece will be installed Fall 2021.

Tip of the Spear

The City of Clarksville, Tennessee is calling for an iconic symbol that speaks to the connection between Clarksville and its neighboring Fort Campbell, Kentucky and recognizes the men and women who serve this country. The site is unique in that it borders two states with a unified identity shaped by Fort Campbell Army installation, home of the 101st Airborne Division.

MGA’s proposed sculpture aims to define that interstate connection with a bold, stainless steel eagle caught in action, inspired by the local history and tradition of Fort Campbell. Tip of the Spear will be a physical manifestation of the literal and symbolic strength of an eagle that pays tribute to the hard work and sacrifice of the soldiers stationed at Fort Campbell.

The completed sculpture is slated for installation June 2022.


The Village of Estero, Florida Selected MGA To Create An Iconic Sculpture For Estero Crossing. Mark drew inspiration from the meaning behind the name ‘Estero’. It is the Spanish word for estuary, the place where fresh and saltwater mix. When thinking of the cyclical nature of the estuary, with the never ending process of evaporation, condensation and flow of gravity, Mark was drawn to the trefoil pattern. The trefoil is a sign of perpetuity, with the three loops representing the past present and future. It is also a symbol of fertility and abundance. It has no beginning or end, a symbol of the perpetual cycles of nature.

MGA’s sculpture will highlight the Estero location with a bold, stainless steel sculpture titled ‘Continuum’. The inspiration for this contemporary trefoil stems directly from the idea of a continual progression of elements.